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5 Common Cover Letter Mistakes You Should Avoid

Even though many hiring managers have admitted to not reading every candidates cover letter, it is still very important to include one.

Now, I know what you’re thinking…  If nobody’s reading it, why bother?

Because anything that leverages you and sets you apart is a good thing!

Let’s say the company is down to a small stack of resumes and are looking for a way to weed some candidates out, in which case they read a select few cover letters to see if there are any elements to further thin the final candidate pile. 

It’s important to know which cover letter errors could cost you the interview. Here are a few common mistakes to avoid.

  • Writing A Novel Nothing is worse than a long, novel-like cover letter that makes the hiring manager tired just looking at it. Keep your cover letter concise and to the point.
  • Focusing on yourself Above all the company you’re applying for wants to know what you can do for them. While it’s important to share your accomplishments, also touch on why you’re the right person to fill the void that they have.  Make your achievements known in a way that lends well to the duties of the position.
  • Being A Superfan Of The Company Don’t waste your cover letter talking about how much you love the company in an excessive way. Use your cover letter to tell the company how you’re the best candidate to serve them.
  • Typos This one sounds simple enough, but let’s face it, mistakes can happen.  Triple check that you’ve addressed your cover letter to the right person, and that everything is spell checked and grammar correct.
  • Being Too Trite Phrases like, “I’d like to apply for a job at…” or “I believe I am the perfect candidate for this position,” is one way to sound like everyone else.  Avoid trite comments like calling yourself a “team player” Set yourself apart and be more specific by providing examples of how you work well as part of a team.

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