Getting nervous before an interview is completely normal. Here are 5 ways to calm your nerves so you can be 100% on top of your game.
- Make Sure You Eat- Interviews can sometimes last a few hours. In order to think clearly and answer questions appropriately make sure you’ve had a meal beforehand.
- Give Yourself Plenty of Travel Time- Traffic, getting lost, not knowing where to park, forgetting what floor the interview is on, these are all things that can happen and make you late to your interview. Make sure you are giving yourself plenty of cushion for all the unpredictable things that can occur.
- Get Plenty of Rest- You definitely don’t want to be yawning while in an interview. Make sure you go to bed early and get good night’s sleep.
- Try Your Outfit on The Night Before- This is not something you want to be worried about the morning of an important interview. Also having this prepared before bed will make you sleep better knowing that’s 1 less task to do in the morning.
- Ask Yourself “Why am I so Nervous”- Sometimes all it takes is a pep talk with yourself. Remind yourself that the hardest part is already over. You got the interview, now is the time to boost your self-confidence and knock the interview out of the park.
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