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6 Reasons to Decline a Counter Job Offer

Counteroffers often result when your employer suspects they may be losing a talented employee. They are all of a sudden hit with this reality – there’s something that another company sees in you.

Once you’ve given your 2-weeks notice your employer decides you’re worth investing in a little more, so they offer you a counter job offer. Here are 6 reasons you should politely decline.

1. The underlying issue isn’t solved by a counteroffer- A lot of times, there are several reasons you may want to leave your job.

Perhaps you felt you were stagnant, with few opportunities for advancement, or your working conditions were difficult. Whatever the case may be, often times a counteroffer will not provide a solution to everything you were dealing with.

2. Think about what you stand to gain- What does the potential new employer offer that your current one does not? Maybe they’re offering you a better work-life balance, higher job title or a clear path for growth. Whatever it may be don’t lose site of what you stand to gain by taking the leap.

3. Know your value- Ask yourself:

  • If you hadn’t made the first move by actively seeking a better role, how long do you think it would have taken you to be promoted?
  • Why is it that a new company, that hasn’t yet to see your work day in, and day out, already sees more potential in you?


4. Staying can stall your career growth- Management will not forget that you rescinded your exit attempt and their perception of your loyalty to the company will change. If you are up for a promotion alongside someone who doesn’t share this background, the odds are good that the candidate that seems like the better long term investment will be chosen over the one that looks like a flight risk.

5. Their motives are in their best interests, not yours- Hiring and training new people is expensive, even more so when the situation is desperate. Often times management will write up a nice counteroffer designed to keep you for just long enough, until they find your replacement.

6. You don’t want regrets- While no one can predict the future, if your career progression is stagnant, exploring new possibilities will be worthwhile. You never know what kind of progress you can make in a new career path. At the very least, you won’t be left wondering what would’ve happened if you had declined the counteroffer.

Bottom Line

Take charge of your own career and don’t let others determine when you switch companies. Always base your decision around what is best for you, your career path, and job security.

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