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3 Better Habits You Can Swap Today Without Putting in Any Effort

Everyone has moments of un-productivity, I wonder how many people actually realize how much time they are spending on social media plat forms. If you’re the type who gets easily distracted with sites like Facebook and Instagram I have a few suggestions for you.

Try trading these 3 simple habits and I promise your brain will thank you!

  • Swap Your Current News Feeds with Ones That Bring Important News and Updates Right to you This is easily achieved by liking your favorite new outlets and publications. You can also follow prominent influencers in your industry. Now instead of getting updates of your friend’s party lives you’ll be getting a daily dose of great advice!
  • Swap Watching YouTube Videos with Watching TED Talks Listening to music is one way to stay in a good mood all day while at work but once you give podcasts a try you will understand why this is one of the best habits you can swap. You get to hear about people’s lives, get inside people’s heads, play trivial games, and learn a lot without doing anything but opening your ears.
  • Swap Mindless Browsing with Active Reading Instead of passively looking at articles, comments, advice, make the time to really take it in. Set aside your phone, music, or any other distractions and give yourself five minutes of focused learning.

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