The following is by no means a comprehensive list, but it’s a start. Be proactive, be positive, and be resilient.
Use all of your resources!
Network – visit your school’s career office, attend to career events and job fairs, and reach out to previous classmates, teachers, family friends, and neighbors. Ask for introductions or if they are aware of opportunities.
Go beyond Facebook – make a LinkedIn profile, check out company profiles, open jobs, and connect with new people.
Appear Professional – update your voicemail message, use a professional headshot on your public profile, and get an email address with your name. Sanitize your social media profiles! Use proper grammar.
Be Realistic – you’re not going to be starting out as a CEO. Your first job might not your perfect dream job. That’s ok. You will get experience, you will grow, you will learn, and you will eventually move on to another job building on your last.
Highlight your “Soft Skills” – coming straight out of school, you likely have little to no experience. Show companies how you can be a value add through your attitude, attention to detail, creativity, or any other strengths you may have.
Personalize your Resume – don’t send a generic resume. Key in on the specifics of each role and highlight how you meet those.
Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have more questions!
Kim Buck | Lead Recruiter, Account Manager
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